
Restorative Dentistry – Rediscover Your Healthy Smile!

Our restorative dentistry focuses on repairing and restoring damaged or missing teeth to improve your oral health and function. We offer a wide range of restorative treatments to ensure that our patients can enjoy a healthy and comfortable smile. We can also improve the aesthetics so you can regain your self-assurance.

Our services include:

Fillings – Dental fillings treat cavities and prevent further deterioration to the teeth. We use high-quality materials and advanced conservative techniques to ensure that fillings look and feel natural while providing long-lasting protection for the teeth.

Crowns & Bridges, Inlay and Onlays – Crowns and bridges, inlays and onlays are dental restorations that are used to replace missing or damaged teeth. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure that our patients receive high-quality restorations that look and feel natural.

Dental Implants – Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing teeth. We offer single dental implants crowns, implants bridges, implant supported dentures. Whether you are missing a single or multiple teeth dental implants are a great restorative option to regain back the aesthetics and functionality. Dental implants stimulate the growth of jaw bone making them a very healthy tooth replacement.

Dentures (Full & Partials) – Dentures can be a fully removable alternatives for patients with missing teeth which are more affordable alternative to dental implants to restore oral function.

Root Canal Therapy (RCT) – If tooth decay/trauma reaches the nerve of the tooth root canal may be recommended. They may be needed when tooth has a crack, large cavity close to nerve or tooth is infected. If untreated tooth can be very painful.

Dental Bonding – Bonding involves using tooth-colored resin to repair chips, cracks and minor imperfections.

Not sure what you may need?
We know you have many options. Dr. Sekhon will help you evaluate the right course of action with personalized treatment.

Schedule Your Appointment Now

Our dedicated team is looking to help you with your dental care! Call us now to schedule your appointment and get started on the path to healthy and active smile!